I’m a Therapist
ChineseCounseling.org site is a global resource sharing platform for mental health information and services, with a focus on Chinese-language resources. We aim to encourage local service providers to engage their community to promote emotional health and wellbeing.
Who is eligible to add a profile?
Therapists listing on chinesecounseling.org must hold a valid current license in psychology or a mental health field recognized in their country of licensure. Therapists must also be able to provide services in Chinese language or that are culturally-appropriate.
How do I list my profile?
Register a therapist account using the “Register” link below. Enter your profile data, agree to the “Terms of Use”, then click “Submit.” Your profile information will be subject to review, and once approved will be posted on the website.
Is there a fee to list my profile?
There is no fee to list your profile on chinesecounseling.org. Listing on chinesecounseling.org is voluntary and in adherence to the “Terms of Use.”
How do I update my profile?
Click on the “Log-in” link below.