Grace Tang is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, specializing in adolescents, parent-child relationship, couple relationship, depression and anxiety. As an immigrant from Taiwan, she is fluent in both Mandarin Chinese and English. After working as an engineer for 20 years, she decided to dedicate her life to helping others. Deeply compassionate and highly analytical, Grace has helped many individuals transform their lives and many families rebuild their relationships.
Grace was a school counselor at Leland High School and Castillero Middle School, and an Adjunct Lecturer at Santa Clara University Counseling Psychology graduate program. She also served in the Christian youth and children’s ministry for over 20 years, and has been invited by churches, organizations and radio stations to discuss mental health issues. Please check out the videos and audios at her Chinese website: Grace has a private practice in San Jose/Campbell, and invites you to contact her for a free confidential phone consultation.